Corporate Philosophy
Corporate Philosophy
We will work with the utmost sincerity to support our customers and contribute to society.
Customer Focus, Highest Possible Quality
We always think first how to best serve our customers, to create products of the highest quality that exceed our customers' expectations.
Responsibility and Contributions to Society
Recognizing we are a part of society, we shall fulfill our social responsibilities and contribute to our society through our corporate activities.
Work Values
Each and everyone shall take pride in their work, and utilize their own abilities to realize a workplace where everyone shares in our achievements.
"Sincerity is the way of Heaven."
The "Ten" in our company name "Denso-ten" means heavenly, in the sense of ultimate or supreme. The character that means "heaven" has been our trademark since the company was first known as Kawanishi Machine Works and then later as Kobe Industries. We have always followed the ideal that "Sincerity is the way of Heaven," as stated in the classic Confucian text "The Doctrine of the Mean."